Hi, I'm Josh Chin and I am one of the solicitors here at Wealth Recovery Expert .
Today's topic is to discuss whether you could be entitled to compensation.
Interestingly, a lot of feedback we've had from our successful clients in recovering their money is that they didn't actually know that they were entitled to compensation.
We have a hugely successful rate of getting money back quickly, efficiently and cheaply for our clients.
The good thing about coming to Wealth Recovery Expert is we are experts in recovering these kind of monies and know exactly what to look for.
You might not know that there isn't typical broker behaviour to coerce you into certain deposits, not allowing you to putting higher deposits than you actually wanted to, upgrading your status to maybe a VIP account when you have very limited knowledge of how to invest.
These are the kinds of things that we would look for in building your argument and trying to get your money back from these regulated brokers.
Regulated brokers are accountable to bodies and have certain rules that they should bide to. In certain circumstances they try and get away with this and the layman person and client wouldn't know if that everything has gone wrong.
Consult one of our experts today at Wealth Recovery Expert and see if we can help you on a no win, no fee basis.
There is no risk and we would only take your case on if we know we can help you.